
This website is designed as a safety library of the most often used tools by safety professionals. The tools are free, public type publications.  If you re-use these, please remember that since they are ‘public,’ do not sell them, or insert commercials into them.

Feel free to send links and they will be posted as well. If it is a link or program of your design, there is no issue with me posting a hat tip to you or your organization, but please only send free and copyright free material. I want to keep this site free, registration free, advertisement or sales free as much as possible.

Thank you and be safe!

12 thoughts on “About

  1. I want to run consultancy company and wish that the material you have will be very resourceful in every possible way.


  2. This website is awesome. I am working as a HSE Manager in DRC – Africa. This site has been greatly helpful to me.


  3. Can i use some of the photos in my own company blog?


  4. This is such a valuable resource.
    Thank you!


  5. Do you have any food safety material?


    • Hey Anthony

      What are you looking for? I actually recently changed jobs and now have….mmmmmmm, let’s just say a few hundred million people I have to keep safe (restaurant industry position).

      I am sure I can add food safety items. Point me in the right direction for what you need.


  6. Hey eric, my name is Joshua Bradiel, just wanted to reach out and see if it possible to get your email info so we can talk about a possible partnership


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